“Timing is everything, in education as in many other fields. It’s not enough to teach well. You have to teach well to kids who are ready to learn, kids who are developmentally ‘ripe’ for learning.”
- Boys Adrift by Leonard Sax

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Wildflowers

My dad's ward had a camp out last weekend, and we decided to go because they had hired a group called "The Wildflowers" to come and perform. You may not have heard of them, but they play some folk and bluegrass music and some camp songs and stuff. They are a homeschooling family that does Thomas Jefferson Education, and the mom Diann Jeppson, helped write one of the books on TJEd. So when I heard they were coming I really wanted to go so that I could meet her. She was a super nice lady and their little family band was great!

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